Can users delete personal data in Checklists for Atlassian Cloud (Jira, Confluence)? Do you support the Atlassian API?

Will our users be able to delete their data with your app? Like mandated in GDPR or CCPA

We’re a German company and we do respect your personal data. We’re in the process of an ISO certification and make sure, that our products are fit for compliance with GDPR and CCPA.

Atlassian offers an API for individuals to tell apps to erase their data (Personal Data Reporting API). Please note that as of this writing we do not store any identifiable data about your users in our app. All personal data remains in the Atlassian Cloud with Atlassian. To work with users Atlassian provides us with an ID. That’s all we see. So there’s no need and no option to implement this API as of now.

We do however store Email addresses if you provide them in our admin area. This is completely independent of the Atlassian Cloud and done by users deliberately. Those Email addresses are used to send Emails with access to our checklist portal for externals (who have no access to Atlassian Jira or Confluence) und to inform template managers of finished checklists.

Our regular EULA and privacy terms apply. If you want your Email to be deleted from our app, please contact us via Email at