Draw.io for Confluence Cloud - Can you hide the cursor during real-time edition or collaboration?

We are using draw.io for Confluence Cloud and just love the real-time collaboration feature.

Is there maybe a way to hide the cursor? Some team members don’t like to be seen, I guess :smile: .

Hi, I’m glad you like the real-time editing feature in draw.io!

Yes, you can change the cursor visability as follows:

Just click on the menu (top left of screen). Select preferences and here you will see cursor visibility. Here are your options:

  • Show remote mouse cursors – allows you to view your team member’s cursors and toggle them on or off
  • Share mouse cursor – This allows you to control your cursors visibility to others, you can choose to go stealth or opt for 100% visibility.

You can check the blog article Real-time multi-user collaborative diagramming for much more detailed info on this feature and more!

Fore more general info on draw.io for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our draw.io webpage.

And more great blogposts on Blog - draw.io