Draw.io for Confluence - Link on draw.io diagram and whiteboard opens on same page or browser tab when in same instance

Hi there,

I just ran into the following problem. I have a whiteboard on draw.io, which links several shapes to several sources. The links to pages outside of the Confluence instance, the page of the whiteboard is on, open in a separate window, but the links to pages in the same Confluence instance, open on the same page and don’t open a new browser tab.

I can’t find the feature how to open all the links in a new browser tab. Does anybody know?


yes, you can change that.

  1. In edit mode of your Confluence page, click on the diagram/whiteboard.

  2. Click on “Edit macro” at the left bottom of the macro.

  1. Change “Link” setting to “Open in new window” (by default it’s on “Automatic”, which means, it will open links in within your instance in the window and external links in a new window)

  1. That’s it!

Fore more general info on draw.io for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our draw.io webpage.

And some great blogposts! Blog - draw.io

As a matter of fact, you can also adjust the way the link behave instance-wide

You have the links in all of your whiteboards and diagrams open in another browser by default. You need to be an admin to do so:

  1. Click on the gear symbol in the Confluence menu, then select General configuration.
  2. Go to the administration area.
  3. In the left panel, under draw.io add-on, select Configuration .
  4. Select the Configuration tab.
  5. Add “defaultMacroParameters”: { “links”: “blank” } to the UI Configuration field.
  6. Click Save changes.