How can I break down, subdivide our Jira tickets?

We’ve been using Jira for years in our ticketing and project management. Works well for us overall, except often we need to break down our tickets into smaller “to-do’s”. These items really don’t warrant individual tickets, but they’re directly related and these are common, repeating tickets and projects. Anything to help with this?

Understood…it can be frustrating to ensure everyone on your team is completing all the “understood” subtasks to individual tickets. Rather than hoping everyone does so, or avoiding creating new tickets for these subtasks, for Jira Cloud you could try (formerly Easy Issue & Subtask…) to really make things easier and more efficient for your colleagues.

These articles will definitely get you started:
Build Your Internal Processes in Jira Cloud with Easy Issue Templates
Easily Create Subtasks for All of Your Jira Cloud Issues

Best of luck!