How to create mindmaps in for Confluence and Jira

I use to visualize all of our processes and workflows. I wanted to create mindmaps yesterday (what you can of course do with the standard shape libraries) but I am missing a few features that would make it much more convenient to have mind maps in Stuff that I would love to see:

  • move shapes and sub-shapes as trees
  • easily create new sub-topics or branches

Are there ways to have a mind mapping feature in or are you planning to have it?

Hi there. Actually, we already offer the features that you requested! When you go to the left-hand library panel in, use the search shapes option and type in mindmap. Embed the mindmapping container and use the connectors for sub-topics, branches etc. to create your mindmap. You can even add new shapes with your keyboard. We recommend you to have a look at our Youtube playlist to see all of our mindmapping features (moving around trees is also possible by the way :slight_smile:).

Fore more general info on for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our webpage.

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