Inserting an existing diagram to Confluence page


Thank you for a great product!

I am using Confluence Cloud and unfortunately I am unable to add already created diagrams to again to a different page. I really would like to have a master version of a diagram and then be able to use the same diagram in multiple different pages.

I read that this should be possible but is this a quirk with Confluence Cloud hosted By Atlassian?

Thanks a lot!


Unfortunately, that’s only currently possible in for Confluence Server. The API for Cloud is far more limited, so the integration isn’t close to what we can manage on Server.

Hi, I’m trying to POST a diagram to a confluence page using the API on our server. How is this done exactly because I’m getting this instead ‘Diagram attachment access error: cannot display diagram’. I’m posting an existing diagram in the post, named ‘Fact_InPageEdit’.
This is the HTML for the drawio image I’m using within the post request:


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="“drawio”" ac:schema-version="“1"” ac:macro-id="“e347ecde-440b-4576-b4c0-57725f422f74"”><ac:parameter ac:name="“border”">true</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“diagramName”">Fact_InPageEdit</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“simpleViewer”">false</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“width”" /><ac:parameter ac:name="“links”">auto</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“tbstyle”">top</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“lbox”">true</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“diagramWidth”">781</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="“revision”">1</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="""" /></ac:structured-macro>


Thanks in advance

Hi @Oscar, let me check with you with the team. I’ll get back to you.

Hi Oscar, this sounds like a complex question and is slightly different to the topic on this thread. Please send the question to, including your SEN and confluence and versions in use.