Is there an opportunity to purchase Linchpin packages for 20 users only?

Is there an opportunity to purchase Linchpin packages for 20 users only?

Unfortunately, we do not offer any offers for Linchpin projects below the 100-user-package. There is the opportunity to go with a Linchpin Intranet technology-only project only and configure the systems yourself. The very first thing, you should do, is to create a test instance for your company:
Here are some helpful links to do so:
Partner Directory - All partners are in a similar situation. So this would be a good first starter today.
Most plugins are on the Marketplace and have a documentation. You’ll find deep links on our pricing detail pages like this one: Linchpin Pricing per User - Linchpin
There are heaps of videos in our English YouTube channel:
It may not be quick, but these videos do help you in your situation:
What We Do After You Contact Us About Linchpin Intranets | Seibert Media - YouTube
Linchpin Intranet - Full ad hoc presentation - YouTube