Why do checklists need to be available everywhere?

You’re offering a feature to create checklists on a mobile device, with a public link, and within Confluence in your checklist app. We’re running on Jira Cloud with another checklist app so far. It’s available in Jira only. I like this because those checklists are permanently attached to an issue in Jira. That’s beneficial. Why don’t you force users to attach checklists to a Jira issue?

You are right. We have created more than eight different ways to create a new checklist (part of our documentation).

For every checklist, you need a template. Checklists are always a copy of a template. From a template, you can create a checklist in one simple click:

The main reason is that we believe it’s essential to have a checklist available whenever you need it—so multiple ways of creating a checklist help.

Without web technologies, paper was the medium for checklists. And to be honest: paper still rules the day for checklists. But paper has it’s own downsides. When we can put checklists in your smartphone with our apps for iOS and Android, the availability can be increased significantly.

Digital checklists also have the benefit of being centrally documented and ready for analytics directly.

Checklists can be attached manually to Jira issues but don’t have to. You can automatically create checklists with new Jira issues.