Confluence Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence - Can I block/protect certain spaces and encrypt attachments?

Hi, I am looking for an add-on for Confluence with which I can block or protect certain spaces in particular. Ideally, attachments could be stored encrypted. Does your “Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence” do that?

Can I use that without Linchpin?

With encryption of attachments I refer to a space used by management. Important documents are attached in Confluence but should only be visible by users that management allows. Does something like that exist?

Thanks a lot!

Yes, our “Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence” does exactly that, protect spaces.

You don’t need the complete Linchpin suite, you can just install the add-on in your Confluence Server instance.

However, encrypting of attachments is not a particular feature of Space Privacy. In Confluence you can work with additional space permission levels and page restrictions.

Please also check out the Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence in the Atlassian Marketplace.

Yes, our “Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence” does exactly that, protect spaces.

You don’t need the complete Linchpin suite, you can just install the add-on in your Confluence Server instance.

However, encrypting of attachments is not a particular feature of Space Privacy. In Confluence you can work with additional space permission levels and page restrictions.

Die Verschlüsselung von Anhängen gehört jedoch nicht zum Feature-Set. Eine zusätzliche Berechtigungsebene kennt Confluence hinsichtlich von Seitenbeschränkungen. Diese können zusätzlich zu Bereichsberechtigungen Seiten für definierte Benutzer und Gruppen einschränken - das gilt ebenso für Anhänge, die zu den “gesperrten” Seiten gehören.

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