Jira - Can you assign an issue to another user?

I need to assign an already existing Jira ticket to another user. Can that be done?

You can assign any issue to a different user.

Go to the issue and click on “Assign”.

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Next to the label Assignee, select the user name from the suggested list or start typing their name and click on it when it appears.

You can also assign an issue to yourself. Simply click on “Assign to me”.

Then, you can add a comment and mention the user that has been assigned the issue. Type the @ (at) key and search for their name in the list or start typing their name and click on it when it appears.

To finish, click on “Assign”.

You will now see the user to whom you have assigned the issue, and you can change who is assigned at any time by editing this field.

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Please watch our Video #10 of the Video Tutorial Series “Learn Atlassian Jira” and check out this page of Atlassian’s original documentation.