Missing "Open in a new Window" - Button

Hello Team,

I´m searching for the “open in new Window” - Button while trying to Link a Photo on a Confluence - Page to a Website. Is there a Way to set this up?

Thank You und best Regards

Hello Björn,

Thank you for your question! :slight_smile:
Unfortunately there is no standard function to do this.
But I think that this could be possible with the HTML-Macro.

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,


Hi Vitali,

thank Your for your Answer. In the Meantime in searched the Internet and found an Answer in the Atlassian Documentation. The description in the following Link is working with a custom HTML setup: How to force links to open in a new window | Confluence | Atlassian Documentation

They say that there ist also a free Plugin (Atlassian Marketplace) but I dind´t figure that out.

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Hello Björn,

thank you for sharing your solution. :slight_smile:

If I can help you any further, please let me know.

Best Regards,


There are actually some situations where opening a new window makes sense. In the most cases it is fine to let users decide, if they want to open a new window or not. So not forcing this behavior on them may be a good option.

If you decide nevertheless that forcing links to open in new windows is the right option for your use case, the two links provided basically do the very same thing. The Bitvoodoo-app is probably easier to use for non-technical users.

We have created an app for Confluence, that will allow you to link other legacy apps easily and let users choose software, that they use often. We call it App Center - Access Your External Tools.