Properties - What does the Properties app do and why is it useful?

I recently noticed the Properties app for Confluence Cloud in the Atlassian Marketplace. Could you provide more insight into the capabilities and functions of the app and why it might be useful (from an organizational perspective)?

Hi there!

We are happy to provide you with insight into the usability of the Properties app. Content in Confluence is created quickly and easily. But it is important to ensure that the right information is captured and remains well structured - this is where Properties come in!

Properties consist of a pair of macros (Property Group and Property Group Report). These two macros combined - let users easily organize information and take control of content creation.

For instance, when creating confluence pages users can embed intuitive forms (there are many to choose from i.e. author, type, promotion channel, publishing date, etc. which are all customizable) to capture information right away. All pages that contain this form would be available on an overview page.

There are many use cases for Properties app from keeping track of your team’s goals and objectives to customer data.